In principle, in all women, intimate muscles require reinforcement. Especially the need for women. Suffer from urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, if the air enters the vagina during sexual proximity or tendencies, the water penetrates during bathing when the infection is present. Therefore, if you are using a regular egg miracle, this group of muscles in women becomes elastic, they increase blood circulation and hence the tissue of the pelvic floor has more nutrients and oxygen.
- Employer change has a major impact on women’s health. In fact, rocks are considered to be healing nephritis. Therefore, the load of vaginal muscles in the exercise of jade eggs promotes the treatment of vaginal, vaginal, pelvic organs and their permanent prevention phenomena.
- With yoni egg it is quite possible to get rid of various ailments such as erosion, myocardial infarction, momma, pain, micro floral diseases, chest discomfort, and mastopathy.
Yoni egg helps protect you from postmenstrual syndrome and stabilizes women’s mental and emotional status. Exercises with jade eggs also solve an overweight problem due to the effect on the woman’s hormonal system. So let us concentrate on Yoni egg healing now.
To know more about yoni eggs, visit at
Voodoo naturally affects intimate life. Jade eggs training reduces vaginal volume that should please a sexy partner who engages. In addition, these trainings provide sexual enjoyment not only for a man, but also for a woman for himself. As a result of the pursuit, yoni egg is the sensitivity of erogenous zones when the orgasm becomes brighter and sexual unrest finds more saturated colors.
Very useful exercises with jade eggs with future women in working life learn to control the body as this helpscompanies. Also intimate during muscle is the strengthening of the press and the film.
After all, classes with jade eggs slow down the aging of aging-related changes and organs. By training intimate muscles women accumulate energy; from which menopause and menopause will not be long, even the child-like function can cope. And as is known, during menopause changes occur that negatively affect women’s appearance and health. Those who practice vomiting will lengthen their youth. It is believed that rather adult women who train intimate muscles, the eyes are lively and obvious, and the skin looks youthful and smooth. If the older woman who survived the shift in menopause decided to start using it, it is never too late to do it because the aging process is reversible.
Recommendations on the use of jade eggs
So, you’ve decided to choose jade eggs as an intimate simulator. When you buy a set of jade eggs, do not rush to start the classes. Before the eggs are used, they must be cleaned and then they will come to you.
Egg Cleansing
To get the eggs out of jade, they are on a busy day in saline, prepared with one teaspoon of salt and water glass. Then, without touching the hands either with the solution, or with the eggs, put them in running water for 20 minutes. This is a method for washing stone to collect accumulated data. Water together with solution and accumulated information flows into the drain. At the end of the egg disinfection should be cooked for several minutes.
Now Jed’s eggs are finally cleansed and you can be sure they will bring you much benefit. Now you can start your workout.
- Classes Begin at Its Simplicity Take the minimum size of the egg, lying knees on the hook, pushed into the vagina, try squeezing his intimate muscles.
The next exercise is to pull the ovary into the string from the vagina while resisting intimate muscles.
- An interesting exercises – drawing. With a sitting position, leaning on your back cushion or wall, you need to start the egg is low and start quickly pulling it: pull – Relax. If you do the exercise properly, then the line that the vagina “swallows” will gradually enter. You may think that the exercise is quite complicated, but when you start it, you will see how easily everyone turns to you.
- The next exercise is “shooting” with the egg, should be the first time. The egg must be placed close to the entrance and pushed out by exposing it. Once you’ve learned to do this, push the dump deeper, pull it out through the vagina and finally “spit” out.
- This exercise is called “I am” really complicated. Here you have to swallow an egg. It is only put in half and needs to swallow egg cells. At the beginning of the study, the exercise is best performed in the “birch” position and stands against your feet. You can get it right to relax in intimate muscles and then strain yourself. If you do not get the exercise, do not worry; help your hand push the egg in.
These exercises can be done in different things is, lies, lies, stands. Gradually change the size of the eggs, hang the load on them. The cargo can operate in a bottle weighing between 250 g and 1.5 kg. Choose your weight so that it’s comfortable but at the same time it feels like it. Freight is used for walking, squatting, lifting, and simply pulling eggs inside. Jade eggs have passive lessons – this is when the egg is inside the vagina for a long time (eight hours).
Finally, you should keep in mind that you cannot give eggs to the wolf. Especially do not let anybody hold them in their hands because jade immediately absorbs the energy of that person. It is also desirable to have a good ambience so that the eggs only save positive energy.
The alleged advantages of using the jade egg and carrying out the exercises are said to be reduced to incontinence of women and increased sexual experiences using the jade egg is said to help maintain vaginal lubrication that allows for more comfortable sexual activity as well as basic daily comfort exercises also increase blood circulation to the vagina and surrounding areas that typically increase the amount of pleasure felt Many users of jade eggs also find that they have more interior muscle management during sexual activity with a partner and that a partner finds a more pleasurable experience